The NHS has launched a mental health hotline as part of a package of measures to support its staff – as we are doing everything we can to support our incredible NHS workers as they care for people through this global health emergency. The best thing the public can do is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.
• NHS staff will be able to call or text a free number staffed by thousands of specially trained volunteers, to receive support and advice for the pressures they face every day during the global health emergency.
• Anyone who requires further help will be signposted to other services ranging from practical and financial assistance through to specialist bereavement and psychological support.
• The NHS has also partnered with Headspace, UnMind and Big Health to offer a suite of apps for no charge to assist staff with their mental health.
• It is our priority to support NHS staff, and on Monday we delivered over 20 million items of PPE to the NHS.
• The NHS is rightly doing everything it can for its staff, but the best thing that the public can do if they want to do their bit for nurses, doctors and other NHS staff, is to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
Do not hesitate to get in touch via [email protected] if there is anything I can do to assist you.