Having visited the Davidstow Cheddar plant on several occasions and met with local residents, I am aware of the smell causing discomfort to people.
I have also written to the Environment Agency and have an ongoing dialogue with them regarding the creamery.
During the recent consultation process for the expansion, I personally raised the ongoing concerns of local people and found Dairy Crest to be receptive.
Assurances have been given by Davidstow that systems are being enhanced to address the concerns of local residents. Although this is not an overnight fix, I am hopeful that it will eventually improve the situation.
I have also been in contact with Dairy Crest today, following the news reports.
You can read their email to me here:
"We are continuing to work closely with the Environment Agency to resolve the odour issues. Work has already been undertaken that has led to significant improvements in the situation and we are taking additional steps to ensure a permanent solution. We meet with the residents regularly and are keeping them informed of what's going on. They have also acknowledged the progress we have made.
"As you know, a major part of our planned investment is directed towards further improving the environmental performance of the site and we are committed to delivering that."