Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has confirmed it will be investing over £400,000 into infrastructure and equipment at Launceston hospital.
The money will pay for a new x-ray machine and building works to enable the installation of the new machine.
Work will begin in November 2021, allowing the new x-ray machine to be in place and operational by mid-February 2022. The new x-ray machine replaces the current machine which has served the hospital for around 20 years.
Scott Mann MP said, "I have held recent meetings with Cornwall NHS Partnership Trust and made it clear that Launceston Hospital is a priority for local people, and constituents in the area wish to see the site used to its full potential. I'm delighted that the Trust has responded by confirming this fantastic investment in state of the art equipment and infrastructure.
Sarah Washer, matron at Launceston hospital said, “We’re really excited to learn that building work will start this autumn to allow our new x-ray machine to be installed. The machine will be much more reliable, provide better quality images and will be able to produce a third more x-rays if needed.”
The x-ray machine is operated by radiographers from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and supports the staff working in Launceston hospital’s minor injury unit diagnose broken bones. X-ray operates at the hospital Monday to Friday and Sunday (but not bank holidays) between 9am and 5pm. The Sunday service has currently relocated to Liskeard to support the larger minor injury unit with diagnostic support.
The minor injury unit at Launceston hospital has temporarily closed in response to a sustained surge in demand which is affecting all areas of health and care. The decision to close the unit in the short-term is in line with the Trust’s usual operating processes and allows the staff to work in and sustain services from the larger and busier minor injury units across north and east Cornwall.
The Launceston’s minor injury unit is scheduled to reopen on 1 October 2021, when the Sunday x-ray service will also return to the hospital.