This month, it has been confirmed that the innovative partnership which has enabled the provision of overnight services at Stratton Hospital will remain in place until 31 March 2021 and then will be part of the annual contracting round.
The service is provided by an advanced clinician from Kernow Health CIC, who deliver the county’s urgent care service out of hours. The service is accessed by calling NHS 111 and treats people who would historically attend the minor injury unit out of hours, or who need an appointment with the out of hours GP service.
Member of Parliament for North Cornwall, Scott Mann, said, "I am pleased that the 24-hour service at Stratton Hospital has been extended, the community needs this facility with other 24-hour facilities being so far away.
"We now need to work towards having the 24-hour service made permanent, and as part of the North Cornwall bid, we will be asking for more services to be based at Stratton."
Phil Confue, Chief Executive of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust confirmed, “We are delighted to be able to maintain the innovative service at Stratton until the end of the financial year.
“The overnight service provides peace of mind to people in the far north of Cornwall... We have been able to achieve this solution by working together with Kernow Health CIC in response to what the community have told us.”