We are protecting the NHS so it is there for people when they need it
• From just 2,000 tests per day in March we now have the capacity to conduct over 300,000 tests per day – with 311,113 tests available on 5 July.
• Our testing rate is now among the best in the world, equivalent to one test for every ten people in the country – and is outpacing countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, and the USA.
• Daily deaths down from a peak of 945 on 14 April to 87 on 07 July 2020 (seven day rolling average).
• Ventilators up from 9,000 in March 2020 to 25,200 on 02 July 2020.
• Number of ventilator beds occupied down from a peak of 3,301 on 12 April 2020 to 185 on 8 July 2020.
• Over 2.1 billion items of PPE delivered since the start of the outbreak.
• 7 Nightingale hospitals created.
• Hospital admissions down from 3,432 on 1 April 2020 to 211 on 02 July 2020 (UK).
• Over 2 million testing kits delivered to almost 9000 care homes.
• 99% of GPs able to offer video consultations – up from 3% before the crisis.
We are taking unprecedented action to support jobs and livelihoods across the UK with over £160 billion of support…
• Jobs retention scheme has been used by over 1.1 million employers to protect 9.4 million people’s jobs at a value of £27.4 billion
• Self-employed income support scheme has been used by over 2.7 million to the value of £7.7 billion.
• The safety net is working – with an extra 2.3 million people getting the help they need through Universal Credit (since 12 March)
• 53,536 loans have now gone out through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme for SMEs providing almost £11.5 billion worth of finance.
• 394 loans have been approved for the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme for large firms providing £2.5 billion worth of financing.
• Over 1 million Bounce Back Loans have been approved worth over £30 billion.
• Over 861,000 firms have benefitted from £10.57 billion of business grants through the Small Business Grant Fund and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund.
• Almost £10 billion of business rates relief has been provided for firms affected by COVID-19 – taken with existing measures around 1.1 million properties will pay no business rates in 2020-21.
• Over 496,000 VAT payments deferred by businesses to the value of £27.5 billion.
• £32.9 billion of additional funding at the Summer Economic Update to support schemes like the Job Retention Bonus and Eat Out to Help Out schemes.
Supporting those who need it most
• Around 1,483,000 children are attending an educational setting – including 405,000 children of critical workers [estimated as 15% of all children of critical workers].
• £164 million worth of free school meal vouchers have been redeemed.
• Over 3.7 million food boxes have been distributed to those who are shielded.
• 15,000 people have been housed in emergency accommodation.
• Almost 590,000 NHS Volunteer Responders have had their ID verified and can now receive tasks.
• Over 394,000 tasks have been completed by NHS volunteers and over 80,000 people have been supported.
• Helped to repatriate 38,000 people by charter and 1.3 million via commercial routes.
• Contributed £1.65 billion to GAVI, the vaccine alliance.
• 2 of the world’s leading coronavirus vaccine programmes.
• The first in world to have a successful clinical trial.
• Contributed £764 million the international effort to fight coronavirus.